Dawn Soap

Is this the purple one?

I have found that some of the manufacturers have been limiting production lines in favor of more in demand products. For example, ZEP’s factory in Georgia stopped production of the Vinyl Window cleaner solution and when I could not find any during the end of May, I called and was informed that they had shut down that line and were not planning to restart it until the end of July. So the product would not be available until mid August at the earliest.

Another thing I saw which I thought was ridiculous was the Clorox Pro-Results which is usually $5.50 for 120 oz., ran out and then the company released a 121 oz. bottle of the same product and were charging $8 per bottle. Right at the height of need for a disinfectant and while I understand there was a higher demand and reduced production from workers needing to stay quarantined who tested positive, but it bordered on price gouging because they intentionally added 1 oz. so they could call it an entirely new product and change the SKU.

Now that we are back up and running, and the hysterical hoarding shoppers have calmed down, hopefully manufacturers will be able to restart the product lines that are hard to find. I did find 2 bottles of ZEP Vinyl window cleaner at a rural ACE Hardware so you might have a chance finding it in an area where it is more scarcely used and or poppulated.

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