I was watching a video one time and Luke leave his bucket in the pickup and just dunk his mop in it then head to the windows. I asked about it and he said he just leaves his bucket at his pickup. I’m sure I’m not getting this completely right, but that’s why I’m asking this. I was doing windows on Friday and was on my last windows of the day. It was warm and I was trying to do pole work, but the solution dried before I could squeegee it off. I left my bucket at the truck and was just carrying a spray bottle. It really has me curious, when you’re out on the job how/when do you carry the bucket with you and when do you use a spray bottle or squirt bottle? How are you set up?
This really comes down to knowing your jobs and your personal preference.
I leave my bucket when they are smaller accounts. I dunk my mops before I go and clean them. As they dry out I add water from my squirt bottle. This is reason I’m not a fan of the spray bottle. It’s harder to add a decent amount of water to your pole tool.
What bottle holster do you use?
None, just put it in my pouch
Didn’t you know that @Luke is half kangaroo???
@Stoneface I use this one from Beautiful View - The Window Cleaning Store
And I use this 32oz bottle:
I just dump the contents, and the label peels off really easy, no glue. This is the biggest bottle (32 oz) that I could find that fits and it works awesome!
It also has a standard opening size for squirt tops like these:
As @Luke said before, I don’t use spray bottles. Just squeeze bottles.
And this is the only configuration I could find for a 32 oz that was nice and clean, with no logos or branding, squeezeable and not all weird and curvy.