What would you charge?

This is just the front of the gym, I’m heading over there later today and wanted to know what you thought before heading over. This will be my biggest account so far. Thanks guys.

Just from what I could tell I would charge $150 for the entire outside, not including the small windows on the left end. I imagine they would run another $15 for just the outside.

What did you quote it at?

$799 exterior only, just the front
8 hours

Wfp or trad?

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Holy crap. I think I undercharged it. :slight_smile:

The inside of the entrance may be challenging for the canopy. Not sure about how to access those. They may not even want those done.

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Turns out they actually want me to do their pool area, the other company that does the front won’t do their pool windows. All my work is trad, I’m only about a month and a half into starting my company. I’ll try to get photos of the pool area, there are some really good ones on google earth, they have the 360 degree photos. I’ll put the link in this post.

I ended up quoting ~$400 because they want me to do hard water removal. I charge $8 per pane on hard water.

That’s cool that this site actually loaded the photo from earth right in here like this.

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We would WFP the front outside, we would be lucky to get 600-650 in our area for that if it’s just a normal clean.

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Next level website stuff :grin:


You would charge 600-650 for this pool area?

No, the front of the building.

What would you guys charge for in and out for this location? There are 24 windows total, I’m cleaning the inside and out.