Upgrade belt

Hey everyone, I’m looking to upgrade my belt! Looking for extra attachments for a 4" squeegee, steel wool, and maybe another big compartment. What would everyone recommend or what does everyone else have?

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I want to upgrade my belt also. I CURRENTLY, use the clc belt with the doublenpocket ettore bag. And have a hammer holster for my small squeege, and a husky double pocket for soap bottle and screen removing tool and also my leatherman wingman. Looking for any suggestions. Does anyone use the unger ergotech?

Used the Unger for years, comfortable, loads of places for cloths and tools. Definitely a Winner!

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Just curious, what is your screen removal tool?

It is this really cool tool that is super expensive! Actually just kidding, it is a paint can opener. They work pretty good for taking screens out. Great buy for like a $1

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This is awesome. Wish I had one years ago, but paint can openers work too!
