Starting a Youtube Channel!

Ok, that is awesome, but please don’t use tactics like this:

You might be successful short term but telling people that their windows could “break” and that the price will change, etc. Man, just does not come off well. I think you will find that the vast majority of people here don’t pressure customers like that.

I love your intensity and your passion. But, I think you need to calm your script down. Relax a bit. And let your services speak louder than your words.

You need a different approach for a lot of objections, based on how they are said too.

This will sound insane and this has worked for me before. Some objections people say just to prevent themselves from getting what they want. I had a customer tell me it was too expensive, I told them “Hey I’m with you. Sign and date here.” She actually signed and later told me she had no idea why she was saying that. I told her because a lot of times we invest in things that don’t work. We the window cleaners do work. She is now a twice a year customer of mine,

Silly right? I acknowledged the objection but didn’t draw attention to it, I just moved on and the deal closed. Most sales people will try to fight the objection. This is incorrect. Yes there are hard closes which use a lot of pressure and soft closes which ask questions to the customer that prompts them to make a decision. It’s up to the sales person what to use and when.

You can deny certain things are said, but sometimes those are the things that need to be heard. It really depends, but face it. I didn’t say windows will definitely break, just said could and it does happen. Prices go up all the time, it’s a kick in the butt I know to mention to someone.

It’s better to live rich and enjoy all the benefits I can offer you than die rich and never have the chance to enjoy anything.

Ok, this is my final post on this topic.

Windows do not “break” because of lack of maintenance or cleaning, period.

Telling clients otherwise is basically fraudulent or false at best.

That is it for me, good luck. I dislike your methods, and tried to find the good in your videos.

The window isn’t just the glass though, its the frame and the seal as well. So you are telling me window seals don’t break because of mold, or lack of maintenance? I know they move around because of age, or the weather or not being fit in properly. Doesn’t mold spores kill the rubber seals and eventually cause condensation since that will allow moisture to build up in the glass?

I will let someone else answer this. Bye.

Again, I appreciate the feedback I really do. I am still learning this trade. Really was not being sarcastic, I was actually being serious.

Edit: Also, what about say a sprinkler system or a hose system that sprays too close to the house? Wouldn’t that leave hard calcium deposits as well? Someone told me that locally and said once that happens, it will be hard to remove that off and you are better off replacing the window.

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Actually removing hard water isn’t really a big deal. Just use the right chemical and tools and a little extra attention or time and presto, looks like new glass. I’ve done plenty of restorations over the years and they turn out fine. Now of course it does cost more but the windows dont need to be replaced. Hope that helps.

Thank you for that. What do you use for hard water stains?

I use A-1 Stain Remover or CC550 for real bad build up. There are many others out there but these are the two I like. Follow the directions and they will turn out great! Hope that helps.

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For a second there I thought it said A-1 sauce. :joy:

I will have to check it out.