Start of a new Journey

My first week out I came out of the gate like a Rabid dog, Logistically I have three ZIP Codes that I am going to faithfully work day in and day out . A lot of mom and pop shops/strip malls. My plan was to stay away from strip malls And concentrate on mom and pop shops. My approach at the door was create value as I will be doing all the cleaning myself. I keep on running into a fish franchise who is lowballing the hell out of the glass. I was able to take two accounts away from fish by bringing value and the fact that I’m a veteran owned business. My second week out was just as aggressive but I had to now clean some of the accounts that I have booked the week prior. So far I have a total of 42 accounts. I know those first two weeks my prices were low but I was trying to get my foot in the door. Getting the jobs is the easy part trying to formulate routes logistically is going to be the hard part. My wife will be hitting the road this week canvassing and she will be utilized as a sales person for our organization. Somehow we were even able to secure a office cleaning job twice a month. We had to tweak our insurance but financially it was worth it. My plan is to continue this five days a week 12 hours a day until we reach our goal for the first quarter. :muscle:And while I was out cleaning glass I was approached by several people to do residential so right now we’re looking at getting a water fed pole. I wasn’t planning on doing residential but like everybody says in the videos it just comes to you.