Hello everyone,
I’m looking to replace my DI only system, has anyone had any experience with this model of RO?
My TDS is 130 for the most part and we focus on 4 story or less with the bulk being 2 to 3 story.
Thanks for your input … Gord
Hello everyone,
I’m looking to replace my DI only system, has anyone had any experience with this model of RO?
My TDS is 130 for the most part and we focus on 4 story or less with the bulk being 2 to 3 story.
Thanks for your input … Gord
I’ve never used that system , but with tds like that you could still go with a di tank.
Thanks @Luke … I have been using a di only system but I’m finding my resin costs are getting out of control. I even experimented with a battery powered portable backpack sprayer where a 4 gallon container would last me almost 15 minutes so very low flow but I was still going through resin too quickly in my opinion.
@Luke … I’ve been looking at that and your recommendation definitely carries weight for me. I’m also looking at the Tucker that is around the same price but the phaser is half the price of the other two options so that’s why I’m wondering if anyone has had any experience with it.
The reason the Xero Pure is more expensive is design and the parts used in the complete system. There are always going to be cheaper products on the market with any tool. I was a part of the original design team that worked on the Xero Pure and have the very first one built. What we tried to design with this system along with the engineers at IPC Eagle was a unit that was easy to use, ergonomic and what we called the smarts is on the inside. Most of these units look the same on the outside but what you do not see is on the inside. We wanted it to be a unit that just works for the end user with very little upkeep. Well also wanted a unit that was easy to change filters and filters could be bought anywhere not just from the manufacture. The XERO Pure system is designed to let the operator run the system in three modes: RO only, DI only, or RO-DI together: And a system that never needs a pump. I hope these reason will show you the difference and if you have any more questions please call me direct at 865-310-0728 24/7
Thanks @Johnlee!
I owned a phaser years ago. I currently own a reach it flow. I would go ahead and spend the money for xero or one of the other multi filter carts if you can spare it. That phaser is bulky and hard to move around and transport so I’d stay away from it. Maybe you could add an RO to your current system
@WindowCleaningMan I appreciate the feedback… I’ve never seen RO only systems… Is there a website that you know of?
https://windowcleaner.com/water-fed-extras/replacement-filters-housing just talk to these guys. They can hook you up with what you need.