Ninja BoaB spilling squeegees

I’m pretty certain it was around here that someone was asking about the Ninja BoaB and someone, maybe Luke, mentioned that squeegees fall out of this BoaB on a regular basis.

I’ve had that same issue, it doesn’t happen all the time but enough for it to be annoying. Today I think I figured out what’s happening. I carry a shorter squeegee in the slot on the right and a longer one on the left. It’s always the short one on the right that falls out. When the mops goes in the BoaB with the velcro straps facing down the straps get caught underneath the short squeegee and pulling the mop causes the short squeegee to fall out. I’m going to cut the straps so they can stick tighter to the t-bar to see if that helps. Or I’ll just try to place the mop straps up all the time.


Good Call! We have also had the occasional problem, in fact I have bent 3 new Ettore channels over the years that seemed to JUMP out of my bucket!