New unger optiloc extension pole


Its nice to see if they change some good new stuff on their products !!

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I just don’t understand why anyone is using aluminum poles anymore. I understand that CF is more expensive, but you can use it for trad AND waterfed. I don’t even have aluminum for my storefront route. CF all the way.


I agree @DanTheWindowMan.

Cf is simply just better. For employees I totally understand why you would buy them aluminium.

But with cf for owner operators, its superior in every way.


What pole do you recommend for only polework ? because we don’t use WFP in the company i work for.

Regards :wink:

For wfp?

Where are you located ?

Very good point. As an owner/operator I don’t have employees, so I didn’t even think of that.

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We still give our employee a aluminium pole. It’s just too expensive to have them forget it somewhere

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Belgium not for wfp :wink:

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Well I was going to suggest Xero poles to you. Unfortunately they only ship within the US.

So I’d suggest an Unger N Lite. Great quality poles.

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