
Thanks for sharing that episode on marketing. In that he said that landing bigger jobs can take up to 6 months to land, and a lot of kissing up and phone calls etc… I cleaned a couple store fronts yesterday, in an outdoor strip mall type of setting, and decided to talk to a couple stores near by. One was an At&t store, and they said their window cleaners are hired by corporate so I politely asked for contact info. The manager acted like they never give that out. So… I guess I can google stuff if I feel like it. I don’t think stuff like that is worth the hassle when it might only be a $35-$50 job.

I do agree that google seems like the way to go because if you google something then normally you are ready to get a quote (or why google something). Facebook is just the thing people stare at when they should be working. I did however land a $315 house by BOOSTING a facebook post for $15. You’re probably right in saying it’s better to start fresh on a facebook ad though.