Luke... How often do you clean sills?

Every job, only construction cleans, only post construction cleans, etc. When? And how in-depth do you get? I’ve had some that looks like it has petrified bird poo on it and I’ve tried to get it off, but it doesn’t want to come.

Really just depends. On that ccu we did because they were awful. If they are on a routine cleaning schedule we just have to touch up every service.

@Stoneface you can include this in what I call “qualifying your customer”. If the sills are really bad, you may get want to charge more but it might not be important enough to pay more. Some jobs might just require a quick wipe, I just touch it up as I go through.

When qualifying the customer, you should get a good idea of their expectations to be sure their happy when you’re finished.

I have several jobs that have old, terrible crud on them. When you guys clean the frames do you clean it if it’s just a matter if wiping them with a wet towel or do you clean them if you have to dive in, get dirty and stay on them for awhile?

When using a wfp you always clean the frames first then the glass. They are cleaned with a brush and pure water removing all the dirt and oxidation. On our route that is done monthly or every 2 weeks we run over all the frames first then the glass and because they are clean it goes really quick. The first clean takes much longer especially if oxidation has formed.


I would like to get some clarification on what are you referring to with the term “sills”? In this area 90% of homes have a stucco concrete exterior finish. Homes that are siding the window is flush with the exterior facing, so there is nothing to clean or have build-up on. If you are referring to the interior portion of the bottom of the window mount these are 1" thick marble inserts that we call sills. It is a smooth finish and usually never needs anything. We do wipe them with a drop towel only to dry up any drips of soap. One out of a hundred has a wood sill but only on a custom built home do we find this. Maybe I am missing some nomenclature…
Based on John Lee’s comment about WFP I presume that you are speaking of the exterior portion of the window but not following on why this would need attention on a PCC. Please enlighten maybe I’m leaving some $ on the table somewhere.

In my area, vinyl siding is very common rather than stucco or concrete. These do often have a bunch of crud outside on the ledge and inside it’s just always dusty.