Large corporate entities

I wanna start tackling some larger businesses, like dunkin donuts, Wendy’s, and other food chains. What is the best way to go about this, how do I lock these in, and is it difficult ?

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Yes can be very difficult to be honest. First I think going in to the stores and speaking to the gm will be the best. Now for Corp accounts like these , the gm won’t have really any say. You should try to get the dms number and or the franchisees number. Always leave a card. Then comes in the follow ups. 9 out of 10 times you will have to follow up on these a ton. But be persistent (not annoying) and with a little bit of perfect timing and a dash of luck you can and will land these accounts .

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Thanks luke that’s really helpful man. Appreciate the help !

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I have a coporation that took about 8 months of consistent follow up, about 12-13 attempts, finally they caved in and I have three of their stores. It’s my only big corporation but I can verify it is very annoying. Only 3% of sales are closed on the first attempt. On average it takes about 5-12 contacts to close 80% of the time. Sometimes it takes way longer. A friend of mine must have made at least 100 follow up attempts and finally landed an account he wanted after 15 years.


Of course it shouldn’t take 15 years, it was all because of a power shift in the agency he pitched to.

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It’s all about the timing. Especially at inspection time. Be persistent

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I agree with @Johnlee & @Jacob. Follow ups and timing !

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Thank you guys. I appreciate the helpful words allot !

I strongly agree. Timing is everything, here in the west we have a place called SmashBurger. Each location has a considerable amount of glass. I wasnt even thinking about trying to get them. Timing worked out I went in and wanted a drink. The GM saw my work shirt then asked me to sit down and talk windows. Be persistant on bigger accounts. But like everyone said dont be annoying because a squeeky wheel will get greased. Here is a experience, I have a barbershop I clean every 2 weeks. Been at it for 6 months, consistency has made a great impression, kindness towards the owner and all the employees. And finally he asked me to quote his home. But I have also been the annoying guy and was asked to leave a shop. Why? Because I was checking every week. It is a hard lesson to learn. Try to find your Balance


Excellent! How long have you had those accounts now?

Jacob, smashburger is going on 2 weeks. The barbershops and other salons are 6 months so far. Starting to go strong. I treat every storefront like I may lose them. So I try to go above and beyond each time I clean them.

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