
I was wondering how you all itemize your invoices. Do you price each individual window, do you put the inside and outside, do you just put “Window Cleaning”? Do you have any photos of any invoices?

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Here is one from my phone. I use house call pro.

Thanks @Luke. What about residential? Do you just add it up and put it in one lump sum or do you list the individual jobs and windows separately?

I track sales in 4 categories

Gutter Cleaning

So one of those 4 will be a line item. Then in the description I will include rather its interior and exterior or exterior only. I will also include if screens and sills are to be cleaned. House call also has a private notes segment for each customer. There I can add all the details about the job. I’ll have a price breakdown.

The “organic debris removal” disclaimer is only in the description of our residential invoices and estimates.

What are you using for invoicing and estimates?

I know you are trying to keep cost down but if you invest in anything I would recommend investing in a good crm and bookkeeping software.

I had Housecall Pro for a month, but it just didn’t work for me. Right now I’m using Google Calendar for scheduling and Google Docs and One Note for all of my notes, call backs and tracking. For invoicing I use Joist and I just tell them what I’ll charge them for estimates, but I’ve not estimated any jobs that were substantial at all. It won’t be long, though, and I’ll use Joist also.

I honestly don’t understand why you would buy a bookkeeping software. I know that sounds silly, but I don’t know why you cant’ just track everything in a spreadsheet.

I haven’t really used one yet, but the benefit of the software is that it is going to be everywhere with you (theoretically), I love Excel, I use it daily at my day job, but it is not the best on mobile, or as easy to keep updated with all your info in one spot. It sounds like HCP needs to up their mobile game. My issue with Joist is that I’m pretty sure I have had some invoices/estimates not get sent to my customers, not cool.