How's summer going?

I have been dealing with rescheduling visits for my regulars since mid-April. The majority of my clients are in the “at risk” age range and either wanted to wait until things settled down or cancelled completely. I was able to talk to a few and have them do exterior only cleanings since this is where the majority of the dirt really is on maintenance cleanings.

I think some in my case have also lost their expendable income sources like working for the Mouse part time and are waiting for that to come back. The car dealerships that I pressure wash the flat surfaces have had me hold off since they don’t have the same foot and vehicle traffic creating the dirt build up.

Top that off with the rainy season where we have had rain 11 out of the first 13 days this month and a lot of my clients wanted to hold off.

All in all, I was doing okay and hitting my targets still the last few months. However, now everything has just dropped off and I am struggling to hit my numbers for this month. I have a few huge job bids out right now so hopefully one or two come through by the end of the month so I can pay the bills.