How to replace your dirty resin | xero pure / x2 water purification system


My process which can easily be done in under 2 hours:

  1. Wonder where you put the wrench thingy because you don’t have a big enough pipe wrench.
  2. Try to remove the housing and wonder why it won’t budge. Oh, lefty tighty, righty loosey.
  3. Dump out the old resin.
  4. Figure out how to get the filter thing back in.
  5. Pour out the new resin.
  6. Accidentally dump it on the garage floor and scoop back up while removing any leaves that may have gotten into the resin pile.
  7. Wonder why the resin isn’t staying in the tube.
  8. Opps, dig out the foam thingy from the old resin.
  9. Reassemble lefty tighty.