In this video Luke shows his door trick, but he goes back over portions of the window he had just squeegeed and it doesn’t hold up, skip, any of that. How can he do that with it being squeaking at him, making his squeegee bounce or anything? I have been trying to learn the squeegeeing and, man, I’ve been having a hard time with this.
Pressure and good slip. My blade is still wet and has enough soap on it to glide across a dry bit of glass. Practice this Technique and I think you’ll find it’s really easy to do!
practice, practice, practice. I did my patio doors atleast 1,000 times maybe more before I got my first customer…I’m just saying this to say maybe my obsessiveness can lead you to practicing like a mad man.
I think I did the one house at my human services agency I work nights at, and my former house I used to live in maybe twice each, then I started getting customers.
@EverydayWC, that’s the way I am. I’ve been practicing for a month, nearly every night. I drive around town to the empty buildings or closed shops. If it’s after dark I go to a convenient store or laundromat. I know I am ready to take on customers, but far from perfect. I’ve got business cards in the mail and am taking out insurance next Monday then will start out. It jacks me up to think about doing a poor job for someone, but I suppose that’s what will make me good.
1- practice. Makes perfect, eventually!
2 - technique. See point #1
3 - know your tools - see points 1 and 2
4- muscle memory. Do the same thing often and train the muscles to do it automatically. See point 1
5 - learn how water, rubber and glass react to each other. See all of the above.
Sounds like you’re on track man! Look we were all a little rough around the edges at first. Imo as long as youre really trying to do a quality job, the customer will see that and appreciate that. Sounds like you have been practicing a lot too which is great.
10,000 Hours… No seriously.