Hip bucket purchase

Hello everyone!!!
Hip bucket it’s so confusing I’m using ettore channels almost 80 or 90 % so I need space for 2 or more squeegees
Please help and I just want to say thank you guys for the help with pricing my new building now I got the building 4 time a year inside and one time a month outside I reall Appreciate :gift::gift::gift::gift::gift::gift:


The blue Pulex boabs are great value.
18 years using Ettore and that is what I use.
I have tried the Gunslinger, Ettore and Moerman boabs but have gone back to the Pulex because it works well for Ettore channels.
@Luke how do the Samurai boabs hold up with the Ettore channels? Pros/Cons.


I personally prefer the pulex bucket as well. I think i have now used almost every bucket on the market. And i still always come back to that one. The samurai works just fine with ettore tools. They fit nice and secure.


I also use the blue pulex and I also have ettore channels and I’ve always liked it!


Call or text me if you need to order a Tubex

I love using either the Pulex or the Moermon.

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Thank you Jonh I’m already order my Pulex :grinning:

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New partition for the samurai coming soon. I’ve gone through about 6 different designs and I going to test this one next week. I think it’ll be a game changer.