Help With Pricing

Can someone assist me with pricing info for this job? It’s a one shot deal inside and out. Windows are not terribly dirty and look to be easily accessible from the inside. I was thinking $125, thoughts??? I typically don’t do chain stores like this so I am a little curious, any input would be appreciated

That seems about right to me. Are you gonna need a ladder to get those banners down?

No sir, told the client to have them removed for me.

So, assuming this is going to be part of a route, and that it would be done at minimum once per month, I would charge $50 plus tax for inside and out.

If there is a vestibule that would be extra.

$125 is extremely high in my opinion, however, if this is just a one-time cleaning then stick with that. If you can commit them to a regular schedule, then try to get closer to $50

It is a one shot deal

You don’t need a ladder, or have the banners removed. If they are free hanging, you can just pole behind them. It’s not that hard.

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Agreed, I’m going to use pole. Manager said he would take care of banners. They are on chains so I could just move them.

I just seen a video on YouTube giving advice on getting reviews on google and getting quarterly jobs. So when you give the estimate on residential, ask them if they would like the inside done for free. Now what you do is give them the inside for free then explain to them they have to set up a quarterly schedule with a cc on file. If they cancel then they have to pay for the inside job you did. Some will want to cancel but not want to pay the inside rate so they continue with quarterly service. As for reviews, Say this script… We have 2 goals, goal #1 is we do such a great job cleaning your windows that we earn a 5 star google review from you. Goal #2 That we make your experience so great from start to finish, that you tell your friends and neighbors how great it is! If you have employees, tell them to say this script everytime and mention the employees name. You as the employer give them a $10 bonus if the customer mentions their name in the review. They tell the customer it’s like giving a tip without having to give money, just mention my name!