Growing pains

What are some of the biggest obstacles that you have had to over come in buisness?

For us it’s been employees, and I dont think we are alone on this one. It’s very difficult to manage people properly and to create a stable work environment. We just made a new hire. He starts next Monday. We are hoping to continue to grow , but we cant do it by ourselves. I want to hear from you guys. What’s been the toughest aspect in your business?

Yup employees. And when you find a good one you need to go get more work to make sure they’re busy. Then hire a second and then you need to go find MORE work to keep both them busy. Then hire a third and repeat but opps one of the first two quit so now you need to find another one and get all the work done.

From what I gather from the big companies I’ve talked to, it gets easier around employee 5. Because then you have enough guys to handle the work if one quits and you don’t need to panic. Most I ever had was 3.


Been there and done that with hiring, for us personally it wasn’t worth the stress. We decided to stay small and do enough work for just us two. Work 8-9 months off the rest for the most part. Happier now then ever, for us keeping simple just makes since. But yeah, hiring to me is no fun. Much success for sure, it can be done, just not us. Lol.


I guess ours has to do with employees, but specifically policies and procedures. we have 4 full-time employees and one part time employee, but only 3 actually work in the field on a daily basis. We introduced some core values and goals back in January, along with some new policies and procedures for vehicle care and scheduled shifts. Its been difficult to get everyone on the same page because most of us have been with the company for a while, but we operated for a long time on what was basically an honor system. now we are having to somewhat micro manage in order to bring everyone up to speed.

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I think I almost strangled one of my employees today! This one employee does great, but leaves equipment at customers homes all the time! We have had to retrieve this trad poll twice this week already! I am taking it out of his check. I am done with this nonsense.

I have three full time employees along with a part time receptionist, and I still do a ton of work out in the field. My biggest headache is time management. I have too much going on to do everything well.

Luke, Id take a look at a youtube channel called “journey of an entrepreneur” He seems to have a good work balance with his business and the sharing of responsibility. He has a lot of quality softwares helping him to be more efficient.