Google Business

How on earth to I set a circular service area for my posting on Google?

I’ve been using Google ad words for a while. Initially I had to go to to get it all set up. If you have a website, you can put your website link on it. I don’t have one so I use my Facebook link. Download the ad words app. You can pay as little as $1.67 per day or as high as you want. Of course, the more you pay the more listings will show. I’m not sure if this exactly answers the question you were asking, but I hope this helps. Also, you can set the locations you would like to advertise in based either buy a radius around your company, or you can enter in specific cities or counties. I’ve even use this to target specific neighborhoods in my area at a time. It takes some practice, ad words isn’t the best system but I’ve done decent with it this year.

On your google buisness page?

It will be in your service area settings. You’ll need to do this on your desktop I believe.

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I’m not sure, I have added cities without the zip code, but it just makes an outline of those cities instead of just a circular service area. It’s better than it was, thanks for the help! @AdamPWC thanks for the website tip, I had left it blank, but until I have my website up and going, I’ll use my facebook page :slight_smile:

Yeah, I know exactly what you mean about the outlines around the cities. You can do it that way or a circular radius around one particular location. I’m not sure if you can do a radius around multiple locations. I’m also trying to get away from Facebook and get a website going. When people click on my Google link and go to my Facebook page I think I’m losing potential customers if they don’t have a Facebook Account.

I’m trying to get the radius around one area, but can’t seem to get it to work. Maybe I’m missing something.

What platform are you using to manage your Google listing? I’ve been using AdWords Express. Here’s a few pictures to show the steps to change this. Are usually manage it with my iPhone. But the steps should be similar on the computer as well. If you’re using ad words, go to your dashboard, then scroll down to locations, click on that and you should have the option to switch between a circular radius around a location or individual cities. By the way, You get better area coverage by selecting counties rather than cities. Let me know if you need any more help with this.

I haven’t seen this on the desktop version, I’ve just been managing it on Google Business. I’ll try it from my phone, it’s an android, so I don’t imagine it would be too different. Thanks for the help @AdamPWC

Do any of take advantage of uploading photos ?

I used to take a lot more pics and use them for my FB marketing. Getting good pics I think really is helpful, I need to get back to that more. I want to add more of a before and after pic section on my new site.

I’m also wanting to add a video to introduce myself and my biz. Looking for tips on the best way to go about it.

Be creative and fun. I am filming videos for our website this winter. They will be pretty simalar to our YouTube vids.

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yes, I do and it is helpful per cusotmers