
Hey guys, hope everyone had a successful Wednesday!!

Had a question or concern really. Every time I try to give a little extra WOW to an old customer or throw on a little extra shine to a new customer in a neighborhood I get fancy and throw in some glass gleam in my normal mix. And EVERYTIME I do I end up getting streaks!!

What’s going on here. Use 3 gallon water with my normal mix of miss Meyers soap and throw in cap full of glass gleam into bucket. (Throw in a drop or two in my bottles in my belt). And never fails, streaks and squeegee lines. Any help or at this point anyone want GG4 :joy::joy:

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I noticed the same thing. When I started to offer windows to my clients I bought some of this stuff. I thought my technique was what was causing the streaks. But, when I don’t use it the windows are streak free.

So it’s not just me!!! I thought the same thing!! Ended up dumping my bottles and just putting Meyers only back in and they came out perfect!!

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Lol! Don’t fix what’s not broke! Gg is a good product but I’ve never once used it since working for myself.

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Jack that’s what I end up telling myself everytime I try it. “Why you dummy!!!”

No real issues for me. I just add more dawn to solution and on my mop. Seem to be working fine. I dont use gg4 all that often anyways.

I actually talked to the owner of Titan Labs…

He said (Not Verbatim) that adding a surfactant such as Dawn, Mrs. Meyers actually negates the cleaning properties of GG4. GG4 is not a surfactant, as such I think you would be better off using an Alcohol based product such as Unger Glass Glide to any surfactant.

I had major skin issues adding GG4 to Dawn, my Moreman plastic handles were reacting to the solution and causing weird chafing and cracking issues on my fingers. Extreme pruning and the weird feeling of plastic on my fingers as a result.

My advice is to use GG4 without any surfactant or with their Glide solution.

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Why not just use Ettore Squeegee Off? Streak free. Biodegradeable. Designed for pro window cleaners.

Leave dish washing soap for your mum’s plates and forks. It is not made to be streak free, especially when concentrated with no rinsing.

We just use dawn. Easy to find, great slip, tint safe, and simple.

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