Favorite Channel

Sörbo cobra and ettore brass is what I prefer.
But Ungers stainless is also great, @AdamPWC.
It’s lighter and easier to handle then a brass channel.
Btw @Luke ungers channel fit perfect with the excelerator handle. Teeth will fit perfectly in the channel.

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@AdamPWC unfortunately the master brass wounld not fit the Unger handles. Maybe with a mod but not stock.

@Luke why not just use a Moerman stainless channel in an excellerator handle instead of modifing the handle to fit an Ettore channel? Just curious.

Ettore brass and superchannels, and a Wagtail for polework

We love the Ettore-Ledge Eze handle for residential and brass Ettore channels too. You can’t beat them, Ettore has great products and rubbers.

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I must be mistaken. I thought you guys hated everything about the super channel? Or is that Reanna’s opinion which differs from yours?

I was just watching your widebody video and you were saying the ninja won that battle. Maybe I’m confused?

That was the old 18 inch super channel. Before ettore made the revision the 18 inch super channel was junk.

Since this video they have corrected the design and it’s our go to wide body.