Do You Need Help Deciding On WFP System?

Learning about Waterfed and Purification requires dozens of hours of reading and researching. Speaking from experience, it can be overwhelming for sure, .

I started learning about it back around 2011 and it continues to this day.

Let me shave some of that time and learning curve off for you. Hit me up and let me know what you’re thinking about buying.
FB Messenger: Jordie Kat Palanzi
Instagram: the.window.cleanse


Thank you for sharing @TheWindowCleanse

I’ve already purchased mine, but here was my criteria.

  • Must fit in my car
  • Must be reliable
  • Must have locally available replacement parts
  • Must not have proprietary parts
  • Pole must be durable

I ended up buying a Hydrobox from Mark at Beautiful View and a 37’ Northern Lite pole as there was a combo deal. It meets all of my criteria.

I will have to change out the DI resin more frequently as it’s a smaller tank, but it’s a trade off with fitting in my car.

Edit: This last bit is moot because I made a mistake reading the prices. They’re all about the same. I’m leaving it in so the next couple comments make sense.

My question for that would be, what is the best source for DI resin in Canada? I’m noticing a huge difference between amazon prices, aquarium store prices and window cleaning store prices. I’ll usually favor the small business, but when the difference is hundreds per pound and my budget is what it is (laid off over a year ago), I really can’t.

Is there a reason for the price gap?

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By my calculations what you posted for Amazon is approximately a quarter of a cubic foot of resin so that pricing is quite a bit more than beautiful view. I’ve purchased from beautiful view in the past and the package that arrived had a Canada Cleaning Supply sticker on it which is where I do believe most of the retail resin comes from. I’ve purchased from Canada Cleaning Supply also and don’t find their pricing any better. The biggest problem we have in Canada is lack of competition.

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Ah. Yes, that’s totally my mistake. I didn’t see it was two different units of measurement.

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Here’s another question.

Has anyone tried recharging their own DI resin? What were the results?