Detailing question

Let’s say there is a thin bead of water on the edge of a window when you finish squeegeeing. You pull out your rag to detail it. Do you wipe it until its dry, do you just wipe it once and leave it to dry on its own if it stays wet or how do you do it?

Wipe it dry, unless it will dry and leave water marks.

Always wipe it dry. I’ve found with my fish scale microfibers this can usually be done 95% of the time with the first wipe. Best detailing towel I’ve found yet.

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Reclaimed surgical towels are my favourite

I. Like to leave each window as clean as possible as I move along. Attention to the small details goes a long way.

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I also think wiping it dry is best.

@Luke, in your videos you make detailing look so simple, but what’s new, right? When you started did you pretty much jump into detailing naturally or did it take you long to get the hang of it?

I’ve noticed that I spend at least as much time detailing as I do mopping and squeegeeing a window and often times just a ton more time. I always want to get every spot clean. The other day I was cleaning and decided to rush through and come back to look at how bad it was. I ran my finger down the trail, left a slight water trail and when I came back I couldn’t see any water at all.

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You watched this?

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I hate sounding like this…but I’ve detailed thousands of panes…thousands and thousands. It’s mostly just muscle memory now. What towel are you using? And like @TheWindowCleanse said. Perhaps they just look better in video. I do detail them dry but I usually only leave a bit on the edges after I squeegee.

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@TheWindowCleanse Jordie, I freaking love you, man. I saw the first video last year and couldn’t remember who made it. I searched for it, but couldn’t couldn’t find it by searching for a detailing video. Thanks a lot, giving me stuff to practice. I appreciate it.