Has anyone tried using castile soap on windows, not sure how much slip it would give but looking for a good chemical free alternative for a few of my customers
I haven’t tried Castile soap but I have and customers that wanted chemical free soap and unsented so I used 7th generation which worked pretty good.
I haven’t used Castile soap, but it doesn’t seem like it has much glide and it doesn’t suds up much. I use MRS. MEYERS clean day soap and i think it cleans as good as dawn and has great glide! (It is plant based) I tell all of my residential customers i use it and most of them love that. Maybe we could add something to the Castile to provide more glide and suds.
Thanks guys will look into 7th gen as Meyers is to costly in the uk
Do you have access to professional window cleaning solutions in the uk? I am in Canada, and I now use GG4 by Titan Labs exclusively. Here is where I purchase it, hope it helps:
Thanks had a look at gg4 but from what I have heard it has terrible slip properties and not that great at cleaning without adding dish soap.
I disagree. I use it every day and the slip is just fine, it cleans as well if not better than any dish soap I have used. I do use it at the highest recommended dilution.
Love Glass Gleam 4, use a little more then recommended, you’ll have plenty of slip.