Car dealership HELP!

I am doing a semi annual cleaning of a Honda dealership this weekend. Here is a link to the post with videos of the buildings for reference. My pricing for pressure washing and window cleaning is separate so just keep that in mind when you look at the video that I am getting paid for the pressure washing and then paid again for the WFP cleaning of the glass at separate rates.

I initially bid this job by doing the normal $1.20/pane/side and it ate me up. The Honda dealership was 315 exterior windows and I charged them $375. The interior was another 236 panes for $275. It took me 12.5 hours to do it all by myself. Some of the interior windows were above 10ft and required special tools and this delayed me significantly. When I started the Mazda dealership, I bid with a formula of how many windows I did at the Honda dealership per hour, then calculated it out to make sure I made at least $50/hour. This was okay, but there wasn’t any real profit. So on the most recent cleaning on the Honda dealership, I have adjusted the windows to be divided by levels at either 10ft or 12ft. So the first level is 171 panes at $2/per pane and the 2nd level is 147 panes at $3/pane for a total of $783 for 318 panes. All of this is WFP and it is exterior only.

I’ll sum up by saying, with any job, start your bid by making sure you meet your minimum rate per hour, so 12 hour day @ $50/hr = minimum of $600.