Brace Yourself, Winter Is Coming

Winter is coming pretty quick. How was your year so far? What plans do you have for the winter?



So glad I live in Florida


I am not looking forward to moving my office back inside and gray wet cold days in TN

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Me too. Central Florida is lovely during the winter. LOL


I live in the panhandle

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I live in New York. Its gonna suck up here doing windows all winter but idc, BRING IT ! hahaha


I do a lot more upholstery cleaning in the winter… Even better when I upsell for window cleaning. Probably because people migrate to Arizona as result and they dont worry about the upholstery dry times. I clean their out door furniture and put protectant on it. Vacuum seal in bags and store it under their house. They love it.

I highly recommend it as an upsell.

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You said you live in upstate right? I am maybe 1 hour from Albany. My ex lives up near the Fort Ann area near Glens Falls.I remember winters up there were worse than over here in Berkshire County area in Massachusetts.


Yes sir!!

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If you are in the North:

Get your Quotes sheets printed en mass.

Winter is the best for new storefronts. Don’t pity the weak. It’s time to capitalize on the failures of your opponents.


Absolutely! Winter is a great time to build up route work.

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Just had winter here down in NZ, warmest driest winter ever tho I did spend 5 weeks in the UK.
Busiest 3 months coming up heading to Xmas.