Belt Setups

I have used the Unger Ninja BOAB on a Sorbo belt my first 7 years. I use the Sorbo metal wool pouch with velcro closure front and center on my belt. I position my BOAB in front of my right leg and my Harry Falk razor scraper holster just to the rear of my BOAB with a Triumph angled razor scraper in it. Behind the razor scraper on my right I have the large Sorbo holster for huge squeegee, but I wish that holster had a loop down low to keep long squeegee upright and not be allowed to tilt side ways and make it difficult to walk through conjested areas. I keep my 5" detailing squeegee in the rear belt loop. I use the spring loaded Contour Pro handle on my 10" squeegee with Sorbo wide body channel. My other handles are Ettore adjustable handles with Sorbo wide body channels. I want to try a Gunslinger BOAB soon. I like how fast I have become using a very simple but high quality belt set up for 7 years. I keep three Huck towels on my left side, two towels in large towel loop on belt and the third towel in the smaller tool loop on the left side of my belt just behind the main towel loop. My first towel is designated as the slop towel, the next towel is my dry towel and towel 3 is the totally clean and dry buff towel. I rotate my towels as my slop towel gets too sloppy. I grab a new clean towel and place it in buff loop and move buff towel to dry towel position and dry towel becomes slop towel. I try to use my total tool belt like Bruce Lee used nunchukas… :grinning:
I made a video of my tool belt setup: - YouTube

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