Battling Fish

Hey Guys,

Just got this job today total of 8 windows two entry( 4 doors vestibule) I feel I cut my self short on this job but have been battling Fish all day and cannot get over how much they low ball. Anyways I priced this job $85 in/out bi weekly … what do you guys think?

If it’s 8 windows and 4 doors then storefront price is about 25 bucks. You might be able to get more but not much more.

Storefront is about $2-3 per pane. Residential is about $5-7 per pane.


I’m just starting myself but I’d do that on a bi-weekly at $45 as minimum restaurant pricing. Retail storefronts I’ve been pricing at $3 per pane, but from looking around, restaurants tend to have more fingerprints and greasy marks on the inside.

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If its 8 total windows divided by $85 that’s almost $10 a pane which is actually really high for storefront work but regardless congrats on that account. I always say if anything be higher than underbid but you didn’t undercut yourself at all! You gave a solid number and consider if its every weeks that’s more than $150 a month. I wouldn’t be that high for just 8 windows… I’d be more in the range of $45-$65 for my area.

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the Interior windows seemed to have a light film from the smoker inside I was trying to factor that into the bid as well. The vestibule doorways were a factor I was playing into consideration as well. The GM didn’t seem to bat an eye to the price lol and here I am thinking I was low balling myself when in turn I’m almost double the industry’s standards lol … Thank you guys for the input on this one


Totally agree with @JaredAI on this.

But we have a minimum. Our minimum is $35.00.
2.00 in out for storefront windows is about right. So at this one , it would fall under our minimum.

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I’d like to add landing high paying storefronts like that is amazing! But you have to remember that somebody could and will come along and under cut your price. At least try to stick to pricing between 2-4 dollars per storefront pane and you’d be pretty competitive and have a good chance of keeping the accounts.


Thank You!!! I got so much to learn lol

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When I approached this place like every other one so far I let them know I’m new but plan on being in the business for the long haul. I plan on turning in the bid tommorow. Would you advise to adjust the price and let the manager know I over calculating or just keep it as is? The place is a veteran themed restaurant so I think he was throwing me a bone .

Idk when I return I’d explain that it was over priced a bit. Come down to like $50.00 so that it’s not that huge of a difference.

And then hopefully you’ll just keep an awesome storefront!

Like your the man, Thank you for your help brother

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** Luke

Always buddy!

If you have smoke film on interior glass, try adding TSP to your solution, it melts smoke.

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I agree… store fronts are all about getting a few close together. It’s not making money on that one job as much as getting 5 or 6 stores near the same block so that put together it’s worth your time.


Good Morning 1st Shirt!
Congrats on the bid. Restaurants due take a bit more cleaning and expertise. We typically consider our minimum, travel and frequency in estimating ours bids. Your work looks good. Remember you are not just selling window cleaning your promoting image.
Keep up the good work.