New ladder regulations

Here in the US, we mostly say “Fich Du, OSHA.” (Occupational Safety & Health Administration, our version of your safety council.) They don’t come around and check on anybody until there is an accident, unless you are working in a Union City/State on a large jobsite, building shopping centers or large buildings. When an accident does happen, then you face huge fines and liability lawsuits, but many laborers will do what needs to be done to complete the job, even if their equipment doesn’t meet the proper “legal requirements”. Not saying it’s right. Not saying it’s smart. Just saying it happens a lot.

Europe has the different style ladders too. Your top point tapers into a narrow single point where as our standard ladders maintain a straight rail and stays square. We have less risk of our ladders rolling off since there are two points of contact at the top instead of one. Additionally, many people, including myself, use stabilizer stand offs at the top of the ladder that spread the load about 18" (45cm) wider on either side.