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On your website, your images can usually be set up with “alternate text”. You should most definitely load up this field with keywords.

“Victory Window Cleaning logo Victoria exterior cleaners”
“victoria window cleaning residential Victory Window Cleaning”
“Residential window cleaning Victoria water fed pole cleaning”
“Victory Window Cleaning location victoria bc”

These can be on just about any photo. I would recommend using words in there that are not just keywords, like “logo” for a logo image and maybe “water fed pole” if there’s a picture of someone on a WFP. Make the alt text make sense for every image but include top keyword searches for your area & services. Every image should have this done, and every page should specifically keyword to that pages intent (ie, gutter cleaning page? keywords for gutter cleaning. power washing page? pressure washing, driveway cleaning, etc) Little things like this eventually add up in the SEO game.