Just starting out -- Resi or Commercial?

I haven’t heard of The Customer Factor before but have been using Housecall Pro. I like it a lot but it seems not as user friendly for commercial work.

So I gave up my janitorial franchise and no longer have easy access to financing for a WFP system. I may have to wait til I have decent revenue for this purchase.

Ideally, I would like to have large recurring clients and focus on high end residential.

What is the fastest way to grow my billing in the industry? Due to not having a WFP at the moment, I am going to be focusing on pole work for a little. I was thinking 1 and 2 stories commercial work will be my main focus from the start. As long as I can get it done with poles. I know everyone says stay away from plaza, storefront, and strip malls due to ridiculously low pricing. However, I feel like most of these types of clients in this area dont even have a window cleaner but need one and probably would hire one if one walked in the door.
