How many recurring residential customers do you have?

In the case of this particular job, I picked it up my first year in business, it was late fall so I needed the work. I told the homeowner when negotiating that I would drop the price (and yes, you could say it was a drastic amount from my bid) and track my time on the job and renegotiate from there. My first time cleaning it was cold and raining all day so it took a bit longer than it usually would, but still my hourly rate was just above what I like to keep as a minimum. Since this turned into a very often repetitive job, I can now complete it in a fraction of the time.

Sometimes, you have to take a gamble on a tough negotiating client. I couldn’t have ever foreseen that this would turn into my #1 favorite client. This is by far the nicest person I have ever had as a client through my business or any other that I’ve worked with.

If I had stuck with my initial bid, I would’ve lost out on the job to start with (which at times is a better option)
And if I felt like the paycheck wasn’t up to par with the job, it would’ve been my choice to drop the client.

My point: we all do many things just the same as others, but we all manage some things a bit differently. Doesn’t necessarily make our choices right or wrong compared to anyone else’s. If you find what works for you, stick with it and grow from there.

Oh, and my wife does skin care at a day spa, she had this client and referred her to me, so I I knew already that they could potentially be very good to work for. Now we both make money off of the same person. Lol!