Growing your business

Stoneface - I did a ton of networking. I went to every event that put my name out there. For these communities, I put on my khakis and oxford window cleaning shirt, shined shoes etc… I made appointments with the Mgr’s of these neighborhoods. They have offices in the clubhouses usually. I met with them and talked with them. I asked them what would be appropriate ways to market to their communities directly. 2 of these major neighborhoods I got a few very high recommendations from the residents. They let me advertise in their community newsletter and also vetted me and placed me on their website as a recommended vendor.
I sponsored community events and got involved in their community. Not overboard but just enough that they know I am there. I also had a block captain that became our champion. She was retired and basically interviewed every vendor that came thru her neighborhood gate. There are 62 homes in her village and we have cleaned over 20 of them and many multiple times for years now. After that it has been word of mouth from resident to resident. Our reputation we were able to clean the community complex whole building, that got us in the door and we clean the community managers home now as well. It wasn’t a gimme but it was hard work. Building your brand is hard work but don’t give up.

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