Considering softwashing with my WFP, need guidance

Sweet! Ok here’s the deal; soft wash with power washer, not WFP, (don’t wanna wear that thing out and way to much effort!) do some quick research on downstreaming with the power washer. Get some 12% SH (bleach in other terms) I prefer something that does not run the bleach through hoses but either way you could get it to work.

No ladders, you can use WFP on windows after soft wash (have in mind frame oxidatization if present. Or if real dirty you might opt to hand clean windows.) by the looks, my guess is that it won’t be an issue.

As far as your soffit question, be light on them, “maybe” use ladder and pump sprayer to treat with bleach and then light rinse. Also, be sure you’re insured if this is all new to you.

You can look on PWRA forum for more info. Read more ask questions later, that group of guys can be a bit well, different than most guys here, but there are some very knowledgeable guys there!

Anyone else have better options? This could be a great deal for this guy if he gets it and can handle it!

Don’t waste you di/RO water, use tap then filter for windows.

Pricing, eh, kinda differs here and there. I try to average at least $50 per hour. Some charge $0.20 per sq ft but I like to price by expected time rather than sq ft. That’s you’re call, make all that you can, make sure it’s worth it to you.

Good luck to you!

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