Adding a division to your business

Sounds good @Luke thank you for your input!


I told you what I tell myself when it is -20c. I could have worded it better, but I push myself to get my route done no matter what the weather is.
I have the same cold weather that you do in the winter. It’s hard. It’s really hard.
But, I tell myself what I posted. I am as hard on myself as I am on anyone.
It wont make me popular, but you need to power through! You need to work when your competition gives up because its “too cold out”

Or don’t, thats fine, but I post what I tell myself.


As you said, could of been worded differently but I respect you being blunt and straight forward as well.
We will see what next winter brings I suppose.
Thank you :v:t2:

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Always with graciousness, seasoned with salt…